Are Shoes The Most Important Wearable


Shoe the most important thing you wear. Shoes arguable get more attention than most of what people wear. At least they should, anyway. Leisure wear for the feet includes all those wearables that come into contact with your feet. Let see, that would be socks, Flip Flops Thong, sneakers and on.

Just why is footwear so important? Well, because while we can deal with wearing that dress or pant that just don’t fit quite right for eight hours, it’s darn right unspeakable to trounce around in shoes that are uncomfortable or that looks not quite right.

Are there ever enough pairs of shoes in the shoe closet to make us happy. Absolutely not. And that goes for both men as well as women. Shoes and footwear is the one thing you can get the best look at while being wore. Just look down and there they are.


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